My 2025 Promise to Walk in Love with Our Community
The results of this stewardship campaign will help us determine which programs and ministries our operating budget can support in 2025. You may pledge online here. You may also mail or bring your pledge card to church. Thank you for supporting the mission and ministries of St. Mary’s-in-Tuxedo!
A Message from our Stewardship Chair, Spyros Konitsiotis
“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” - Ephesians 5:1-2
Why We Give
“For forty-two years I have gladly financially contributed to St. Mary’s. My major reason is when I am in the church I truly feel I am “Worshiping in the beauty of holiness.” At this time I urge you to make a financial pledge so that experience is maintained for all.”
“As a life long Episcopalian the church has provided comfort to on many difficult occasions in my life and provided the place where great joys have been celebrated as well, much like life. In our increasingly stressful lives, the ability to come together as a community, in a beautiful setting, with lovely music, no cellphones (hopefully!), and a sermon with a message, is a weekly bit of solace.
It is also for me, a weekly reminder to be the best person I can be. Selfless, doing good for others, and helping to maintaining this incredible church that has been put in our care. As stewards of this magnificent building we must keep it and its contents safe and in good condition, for our children and grandchildren, to leave it better than when we came, a safe haven for all.”
“ Every time I walk in the door the majestic beauty of the Church takes my breath away. The architecture which magically brings ones eyes up and up, and the extraordinary beauty of the windows fill me with calm and peace. What a place in which to pray and thank God for the endless blessings He has sent my way.
For 40 years St. Mary’s has been an important part of my life. I do not recall a single major event - joyous or heartbreaking - that did not make me turn to St. Mary’s for comfort or in celebration. And, as today, she was always there.
“St. Mary’s is my spiritual home. There is presence and a sense of solidarity in praying together. We gather together in a regular weekly rhythm to celebrate the services that are grounded in the tradition which we share with those who have come before us. Prayer in community complements my personal Centering Prayer practice.
St. Mary’s is where we translate Loving our Neighbor into action through care of our community with support for needy individuals and in partnership with organizations like the Sloatsburg Food Pantry, Habitat for Humanity, Helping Hands for the Homeless, and Carryou in South Africa.
Our faith asks for both contemplation and action. St. Mary’s brings together the internal and external expressions of our Christian faith: “ the Peace that passes all understanding.””